How to mint XEN on the Base protocol

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XEN is currently on 11 chains, and this August it’s launching on Coinbase’s protocol Base. Mr Jack Levin announced the news on the social app built on Base, where he’s sharing the alpha daily. The deployment will involve not only the XEN Crypto contract but also XENFTs and staking XENFTs, as announced by XEN TZU. Base is a Layer 2 protocol built on the open-source OP Stack and is connected to Etehreum through a bridge. Here’s a guide on how to add Base to Metamask, how to bridge ETH to Base, how to use the testnet, and how to mint XEN and XENFTs on Base.

How to add Base to Metamask

Go to your MetaMask network settings and add the following specifications for the Base network.

Base Mainnet



Network Name

Base Mainnet


The public mainnet for Base.

RPC Endpoint

Rate limited and not for production systems.

Chain ID


Currency Symbol


Block Explorer

Base Testnet



Network Name

Base Goerli


The public testnet for Base.

RPC Endpoint

Rate limited and not for production systems.

Chain ID


Currency Symbol


Block Explorer

How to get ETH on Base’s testnet

To get ETH on the Base Goerli testnet, you need to bridge it from the Ethereum Goerli testnet, or you need to use different faucets. It’s a good practise to bridge it from Ethereum Goerli, as you will know how to use the mainnet bridge. Read our guide on Ethereum Goerli and the faucets. Moreover, Ethereum’s faucet can give you more ETH than Base’s faucet in case you need more of it. You could also connect more Base addresses to Base testnet faucets and then consolidate them into one account. 

Use this resource for the faucets on Base goerli.

It’s also possible to do everything through the Coinbase wallet.

How to bridge ETH from Ethereum Goerli to Base Goerli

Base doesn’t have its own coin, and it uses ETH as its currency. Transferring ETH to Base is very fast and easy. Go to the official website and then to the Bridge. Connect your wallet and deposit ETH. 


Upon switching your MetaMask from Ethereum Goerli to Base Goerli, you will see ETH in your account. This may take a few minutes. 

This is the standard method. 


You can also bridge ETH from Ethereum Goerli to Base Goerli by sending Goerli ETH to the following contract address:


You can also use the Wormhole protocol and follow this official documentation

Base Goerli bridge
ETH in transit from ethereum Goerli to Base Goerli
Network switch in Metamask from Ethereum Goerli to Base Goerli

How to bridge ETH from the Ethereum mainnet to the Base mainnet

Go to the official Bridge of Base protocol and connect your wallet. 

Deposit ETH

Switch the network in your Metamask settings from Ethereum to Base. After a few minutes, you’ll see ETH in your wallet. 

If you want to check the status of your transaction, go to and paste in your address.

How to mint XEN on the Base Goerli testnet

Go to and connect your wallet. Choose Base Goerli and start minting XEN.

Base Goeri on
XENFT on Base Goerli

How to mint XEN on the Base mainnet

Go to, connect your wallet, switch the network to the Base network, and mint XEN.