How to become the X1 validator?

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X1 is a hybrid PoW/PoS blockchain that implements the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph), the Argon2ID hashing algorithm, and Lachesis delegated consensus. This innovative type of blockchain, based on an elected subcommittee and an unlimited number of validator nodes and miners, is set to provide security, energy efficiency, and instant transaction finality. Here we describe how to create and run a validator node on the X1 testnet, while CPU and GPU mining are explained in this guide.

How to create a read-only node on the X1 testnet

You need a Linux-based dependency, like Ubuntu, to run a node. You also need git and golang installed.

# Install dependencies (ex: Ubuntu)

apt update -y

apt install -y golang wget git make

# Clone the X1 binary

git clone --branch x1

#Download and unpack the snapshot

wget --no-check-certificate

tar -xvf current.snapshot.tar

#Build the X1 binary

cd go-x1

make x1

cp build/x1 /usr/local/bin

# Run the node

x1 --testnet

#You can also run the node with Xenblocks reporting 

x1 --testnet --xenblocks-endpoint ws://

#Run the node with RPC enabled

x1 --testnet --http --http.port 8545 --ws --ws.port 8546

Refer to the official GitHub for detailed instructions.

How to run a validator node on the X1 testnet

It’s mandatory to fully synchronize the read-only node before running the validator. Once it’s synchronized it needs to be stopped and the following instructions should be executed. A stake of 100,000 XN is required to create a validator. Join the X1 Validators Telegram group and send a request for testnet XN to Mr. Jack Levin. 

#Create a new validator 

x1 validator new

#Create and save the validator password

echo "MY_STRONG_PASSWORD" > ~/.x1/.password

chmod 600 ~/.x1/.password

#Go here to stake XN Connect your wallet, and in function 4 called "createValidator,” enter your validator public key (0xc004...) you created in the previous function and the amount of XN to stake. Click "Write" and confirm the transaction.

#To know your validator ID, go to the SFC Contract to the 18 function called “getValidatorID”. Paste your Ethereum wallet address and press the “Query” button.

#Run the validator with your ID and public key

x1 --testnet XXX --validator.pubkey 0xc004XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  --xenblocks-endpoint ws:// --gcmode full --syncmode full --validator.password ~/.x1/.password

View your validator on the X1 explorer