How to become a X1 validator?

X1 is a hybrid PoW/PoS blockchain that implements the Proof of Stake component forked from Solana and the Proof of Work protocol based on the Argon2ID hashing algorithm. This innovative type of blockchain built on top of one of the most performant blockchains in existence will improve on the existing work and guarantee an unlimited number of validator nodes and miners to provide security, energy efficiency, decentralization, and near instant transaction finality. Here we describe how to create and run a validator node on the X1 testnet named Xolana, while CPU and GPU mining are explained in this guide.

How to create a validator on the X1 testnet - Xolana

To create and run a validator on Xolana, you will need to install Ubuntu which is a Linux distribution. If you’re using Windows, you can still have Linux running in your virtual environment as WSL. You can download WSL from the Microsoft Store.

Method 1: Step by step

This guide will provide you with comprehensive information on how to run a validator node on the X1 testnet:

It will guide you through all the process so you will know all the steps. Knowing how it’s done empowers you with the necessary information to repair your validator should problems arise at any point.

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Method 2: One-line installation and setup

You can use a one-line code snipped to easily install and setup all the dependencies, generate keys, and run your validator. This is the easiest way to run a node, and it doesn’t require you to do anything. This code will download a stable version of the Solana CLI, install all the necessary dependencies, copy the Xolana repository, generate keys, create a stake account and delegate to that account, setup your firewall rules, and run the validator.

Copy and paste the one-line code snippet to your terminal window:

curl -SL | bash

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