How to mine SolXEN on Solana

The Fair Crypto Foundation, with Jack Levin at the front, is launching XEN Crypto on Solana with the ticker name SolXEN. It’s not the first time that the XEN community activates the miners to look for hashes, but now they look specifically for the string 420 and 42069. This operation aims to empower Solana users to mine their own XEN and earn the XN airdrop on the soon-to-launch X1 blockchain. Here’s a guide on how to mine solXEN and get XN.

What is SolXEN

XEN Crypto is a first principles token deployed on 13 EVM-compatible chains. This is the first time XEN launches on a non-EVM-compatible chain and its Solidity code has been adapted to Rust. The AMP is adjusted to 300 which significantly accelerates solXEN’s disinflationary effect. The AMP decreases by 0.3% every 100,000 blocks and it will take 139 days to mine out the whole supply. The miners look for number 420 within the hashes and for 42069 to find superhashes. Each time 420 is found, solXEN token is generated according to this formula:

420hash * AMP = solXEN

Every time a superhash is found it generates a solXEN with a 250 multiplier. Successfuly finding a 420/42069 hash gives users the airdrop of XN which is the native coin of the X1 blockchain. X1 is a hybrid PoW/PoS network that is set to launch in the coming months. The XEN minters are already generating their XN airdrops through XEN burns and other means. Detailed information about solXEN can be found here.

How to install solXEN miner

Open your Linux terminal and follow the instructions to install Rust, Solana, create and fund wallets on the Solana fork – Xolana.

Install Solana and follow the instructions in the terminal window to export the path

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"

Create wallets, save the keys, and remember the directory

solana-keygen new --derivation-path --no-passphrase -o ~/.config/solana/id0.json

Repeat this task for each of the wallets

solana-keygen new --derivation-path --no-passphrase -o ~/.config/solana/id1.json
solana-keygen new --derivation-path --no-passphrase -o ~/.config/solana/id2.json
solana-keygen new --derivation-path --no-passphrase -o ~/.config/solana/id3.json

Connect to the Xolana testnet

solana config set -u

Fund each of your wallets with test SOL

solana airdrop 100 <pubkey of id0.json>

solana airdrop 100 <pubkey of id1.json>

solana airdrop 100 <pubkey of id2.json>

solana airdrop 100 <pubkey of id3.json>

Install Rust

curl -sSf | sh

Set path and follow further instructions in the terminal

source $HOME/.cargo/env

Update Rust

rustup update

Install the solXEN miner

git clone
cd sol-xen
git checkout epsilon

Create an .env file

nano .env

Paste in the following settings making sure to use the correct path to your wallet in the .config directory


Save the file and run the miner using your own Ethereum wallet

export USER_WALLET=../.config/solana/id0.json # change the path if necessary. Adjust the fee as you mine

cargo run --package sol-xen-client -- --address 0x00000000000000000000000 --command mine --kind 0 -u1150000 -r10000 --fee 1

Open other 3 windows and run this command for each kind

export USER_WALLET=../.config/solana/id1.json # change the path if necessary

cargo run --package sol-xen-client -- --address 0x00000000000000000000000 --command mine --kind 1 -u1150000 -r10000

export USER_WALLET=../.config/solana/id2.json # change the path if necessary

cargo run --package sol-xen-client -- --address 0x00000000000000000000000 --command mine --kind 2 -u1150000 -r10000

export USER_WALLET=../.config/solana/id3.json # change the path if necessary

cargo run --package sol-xen-client -- --address 0x00000000000000000000000 --command mine --kind 3 -u1150000 -r10000

Now mint your solXEN tokens from the hashes you mined

solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/id0.json

spl-token accounts

solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/id1.json

spl-token accounts

solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/id2.json

spl-token accounts

solana config set --keypair ~/.config/solana/id3.json

spl-token accounts

Official resources:

1. solXEN leaderboard

2. Fair Crypto GitHub

3. solXEN documentation

4. solXEN Telegram group