Xenpedia and Xenducation: your source for XEN answers

What are Xenpedia and Xenducation

Education is crucial when it comes to blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption. XEN, the token that you mint yourself for free, is arguably the best onboarding mechanism for the so-called nocoiners and the best tool to learn about the crypto space. Here, we present Xenpedia, your encyclopedia for answers about XEN Crypto, and Xenducation, a YouTube channel with XEN tutorials. Both knowledge sources are brought to you by a lead community member, XEN TZU.

About XEN

Xenducation is a YouTube channel with thoroughly explained topics about XEN. Xenpedia is a gitbook-based documentation about XEN. You’ll find there a general explanation of:

How to XEN

Then, the XEN gitbook guide will drive you through the how-to XEN questions and will show you how to:


You’ll find there an explanation about the math behind the XEN functions and their effect on tokenomics. You’ll be able to go through the following functions and the related glossary:


You’ll surely need to have a look at the FAQ section to get a better understanding of XEN. There are some questions about:

XEN Testnets

The good part is that XEN exists on many different testnets, so you can beta test it thoroughly before jumping on the mainnet. XEN is all about education, and trying the XEN smart contract on different testnets is part of it. By starting with XEN, you’ll get a feel for how it is to download and install MetaMask, the most used Ethereum wallet, what a gas fee is and how it works, how to add a new network or a new token to MetaMask, how to mint XEN, and later on, you’ll learn about liquidity pools and many other things. So stick with us and you’ll know how to operate in the crypto space.

Xenpedia shows you the main networks where you can find XEN:

In the end, you’ll find all kinds of useful links to further expand your knowledge about XEN.

And if you wonder why XEN matters, watch this last video.

Why XEN Matters?